Sustainable, Eco-friendly Airlines have been a topic of debate for a long time. Airplanes are responsible for 3% of the world’s carbon emissions and as we all are beginning to be aware of the effects of global warming airline engineers have resorted to more sustainable and low carbon emission engines for planes.

CO2 emissions from aviation fuel are 3.15 grams per gram of fuel [38], which gives CO2 emissions from a Boeing 737-400 of 115 g per passenger km. At a cruising speed of 780 km per hour [Wikipedia, 28.2. 08], this is equivalent to 90 kg CO2 per hour. So for both aircraft, the emissions are around 90 kg CO2 per hour.
When it comes to climate, aviation becomes highly controversial as it accounts for around 2.5% of global CO₂ emissions and 1.9% of greenhouse gasses, not just CO2. And while 2.5% may not seem like a lot, most economic sectors are shrinking their carbon footprint while aviation’s is rising. Without significant action, the contribution to global emissions could soar to 22 percent by 2050 as passenger numbers rise. According to the World Economic Forum Aviation is responsible for 3% of the world's carbon emissions.
But the Aviation sector has taken this into serious consideration and is working toward making the airlines green by removing plastic cutlery, trash bags and plastic as airlines commitment toward the environment.
Global Airlines commit to net zero emissions by 2050.

The IATA International Air Transport Association 77th Annual General Meeting approved a resolution for the global air transport industry to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
“The world’s airlines have taken a momentous decision to ensure that flying is sustainable. The post-COVID-19 reconnect will be on a clear path towards net zero. That will ensure the freedom of future generations to sustainably explore, learn, trade, build markets, appreciate cultures and connect with people the world over. With the collective efforts of the entire value chain and supportive government policies, aviation will achieve net zero emissions by 2050,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General.
IATA has set up milestones to increase the speed of the process by setting up milestones.
The combination of measures needed to achieve net zero emissions for aviation by 2050 will evolve over the course of the commitment based on the most cost-efficient technology available at any particular point in time.
2025: With appropriate government policy support, SAF production is expected to reach 7.9 billion liters (2% of total fuel requirement)
2030: SAF production is 23 billion liters (5.2% of total fuel requirement). ANSPs have fully implemented the ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades and regional programs such as the Single European Sky
2035: SAF production is 91 billion liters (17% of total fuel requirement). Electric and/or hydrogen aircraft for the regional market (50-100 seats, 30-90 min flights) become available
2040: SAF production is 229 billion liters (39% of total fuel requirement). Hydrogen aircraft for the short-haul market (100-150 seats, 45-120 min flights) become available.
2045: SAF production is 346 billion liters (54% of total fuel requirement).
2050: SAF production hits 449 billion liters (65% of total fuel requirement).
SAFs are created involving cooking oil, household waste or plant matter and can be blended with kerosene to fuel existing planes without changing or modifying their engines.
A more sustainable fuel for airplanes.
At this rate, this dream of going net-zero emission might not be a dream anymore.